At least we're moving forward!

Posts tagged ‘grandma’

Oh, That Makes Sense

Today, I learned where my dad and aunts got their grit (read “stubborn determination”):


I am her namesake, and I don’t think I’ve fallen too far from the tree, either…

Which makes for an exciting day.

And that’s all I’m going to say about that!

Grandma’s Time

I forgot about a great tradition that my grandparents have always had- a cocktail before dinner.

Maybe I forgot because I was never old enough to take part, but I remember watching my Grandpa make spritzers each night when he’d get get home from work. He’d make me one, too, if I begged a bit- orange juice and tonic. Yum! Even now, I like adding bubbles to juices to make them a bit sparkly.

Tonight, I finally got to share in the long-standing tradition. After working hard all day, my Grandma (who seems tireless and graceful no matter what she does) suggested that we “sit down and act like ladies.” This included talking over cheese and crackers and a glass of wine.

The wine was refreshing and well deserved… I should also mention that it was from a bottle. This is significant because I also have many memories of boxed wine on their fridge shelf. (Apparently, I took a strong interest in drinking from an early age! I wonder why…). The spout apparatus was especially intriguing, and sometimes I was able to pour the glasses if Grandpa would let me.

Anyway, it was a really sweet thing to be able to share in something that I can remember from all the way back as a little one at 401 Laurel. Celebrating the end of a day of hard work always seems worth it! Celebrating with Grandma is even better!

The Joys of Travel

Hello dear friends. I’m sorry for my absence, but I’m back- mostly because I wanted to share this amazing photo that I took today:


I hope that you found the illustration as delightful as I did!

I had NO idea that flight attendants would get helmets if/when our oxygen masks deployed. I know this is horrible, but this knowledge actually makes a little piece of me want to see it happen!

I’m in North Carolina this week, visiting my grandma. I brought a digital recorder to preserve some of her great stories. Maybe she’ll let me share some here!

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